Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Silk Night Chiffon Dress

Sexy Halloween costumes for a fun night out can mean a variety of things from having a fun night out for just you girls, couples acting out and simply having a good time to being something different for one night a year. Now, when we think of Halloween Costumes, we think of only wearing them for one night - October 31st. Yet this is simply not true. Many not only put on their costumes for more than trick or treating, but for masquerade balls, holiday festivals and to simply role-play for the day.

Getting dressed up is not only about wearing a scary mask or haunted houses full of Witches, Mummies, Bats, and Skeletons but about having fun. Halloween is a celebration of All Hallow’s day, All Saints Day and the Celtic Samhain all rolled into one night of revelry and fun. You can dress in your favorite Theatrical costumes, like vampires, a pirate, fairy, angel, and even a werewolf. Both men and women can have fun on this Holiday wearing fashions they never thought to wear. It doesn’t matter if you choose a Sexy Halloween Costume or a silly one, you will have fun dressing up.

Sexy Costumes can allow a couple that has an attraction to each other to simply dress up in something they would normally not wear. It is not about being scandalous but about having fun. You can pretend you are a historical hero or heroine right out of the history books, or choose something more modern, like your favorite mascot. Many Halloween costumes are a way to mimic a supernatural creature, or someone seen on TV.

While at your costume or Halloween party, you could bob for apples, have contest on which Costume is the best, Carve jack-o'-lanterns, go to a Bonfire and in some places like Ireland see Fireworks. It is not only about the sweets though that is a major part, it can also be another way to give gifts and have fun. Imagine you and your friends dressing as the same characters and not only be the bells of the ball but have a great laugh as well.

Halloween was originally called Samhain and was a Pagan Festival among the Celts of Ireland and Great Britain. This tradition spread to North America and Scottish immigrants brought their customs with them. Halloween is celebrated in many parts of the Western World and though the most common is the United States, places like Canada, Australia, Ireland and New Zealand celebrate it as well.

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